Equipping hour


9:00AM - 10:00AM

(Nursery is available)


Kids AGES 3 - 6th Grade

Kid's Court, Commons

Teachers: Betsy Brown, Rachel Connelly, Scott & Maggie Noll, Bridget Speer,

Jeremy & Sara Von Thun


The Gospel Project is designed to help kids LEARN the Gospel story of Scripture, LOVE the Author and Subject of that Gospel story and then LIVE out their part in this ongoing GOSPEL story.


Young Adults

7th - 8TH Grade


Teachers: Rick & Ryan Long


We will walk through Genesis 1—12 in a foundational study that helps form a strong Christian worldview. Topics will include early man and early creation before & after the fall.


9TH - 12TH Graders

Conference Room, Annex Building

Teachers: Aaron & Beth Telecky, Alex Junk

A captivating apologetics video series that helps teens navigate faith and build lasting commitment.


Adult Classes